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The Overcome A Black Passover

Dr. Peter W. D. Bramble argues for the introduction of major victory concepts into black life, something he believes must occur before blacks can overcome their various pathologies.

Bramble believes that victory concepts must be present in the thinking, hoping, talking and doing of blacks in order to enable blacks to become overcomers of the negativities that plague their story telling and their living.


Overcome: Rite, Liturgy & Songs

Thirty years ago, the spirit of the times elevated the Civil Rights Movement, led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who taught us that going forward; all people should be judged by “the content of their character and not the color of their skin.” That was perceived to be the closing argument of the Civil Rights Movement. No one at that time conceived that in 30 years, the mantra “to judge people by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin” would be cancelled with the introduction of a new doctrine being propagated known as “Critical Race Theory” (CRT). It claims the very opposite of what the icon of the Civil Rights Movement lived, taught, and died to establish.

Overcome: Rite, Liturgy & Songs was written to install into the thinking of blacks the fact that what they had fought for through the struggles of their fore parents had now been accomplished. All that was needed now was a new logic, a new way to interpret the fights (struggles) in such a way as to claim victory. CRT does the opposite. It directly cancels Dr. King’s message and in effect claims that there has been no progress over the years. Nothing has been achieved after all these years of struggle and fighting for equality because CRT claims that blacks effectively are, because of their black skin which is an immutable characteristic, forever locked into an inferior status when compared to whites whom they claim have special white privileges. CRT locks blacks into a permanent state of victimhood.